Workforce Solutions for Manufacturing
On average, manufacturers have a 39% turnover rate, 6% higher than other industries!
We know how to fix this.

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Is managing your workforce a headache?

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Struggling to hire?

It’s tough not getting enough qualified candidates.
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Increased turnover?

Losing people you just trained puts a strain on the organization.
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Expensive operating costs?

It drains money trying to solve all these problems.

We can help - here's the proof! 

We helped Morris Packaging recruit, retain, and grow their team - ultimately impacting their bottom line.

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Here's what Morris has to say about our partnership...

"We had a massive need for recruiting. Incipio brought in the ability to partner, so I wasn't stuck with a boxed recruiting agency. If you need a full-scale partner for HR, Employer Branding, Recruiting, or Leadership Training, it's the team to work with."

|  Dawn Gaddis, HR Director, Morris Packaging

See for yourself how we recruited, retained, and continue to help Morris Packaging grow.

Download the Morris Packaging case study.

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Speak with a manufacturing workforce expert.

Let Incipio Workforce Solutions
help your organization.